
Mr. and Mrs. Strong

Tonight I was able to go to my friend Katie's wedding reception. Katie and I met a little over a year ago when I was interviewing for a job. I had met with the principal that morning and then I got a phone call asking that I come back after school to meet with the first grade team. I met Katie and she gave me a tour of the school. I remember thinking, "Wow she has the most amazing, organized classroom and she has the best taste in clothes... I could totally work with her!" I got a phone call about 15 minutes after I left the school offering me a job to teach first grade...with Katie. Katie was my lifesaver on more than one occasion. She is such a talented teacher and I learned so much from her. We became quick friends. We always say about our friendship that, "we just clicked."

This evening Katie Anderson became Katie Strong! I was happy I got to share in Katie and Anthony's special day! Katie looked absolutely beautiful! She and Anthony compliment each other so well and I am so happy for them both!

Bonus! Adrienne another one of my friends from work, my next door neighbor in the hallway, was able to come with me. We got to spend some time together this evening. I was so happy we got the chance to chat before I leave tomorrow for Newport Beach. (Adrienne said she is coming to visit. So Adrienne, I am holding you to it! :) ) Adrienne came in halfway through the year to take over our C Track first grade. She did an amazing job! I can't even imagine coming in halfway through the year and starting management all over and training 25 first graders in March. I was lucky to have been able to teach for 4 months with Adrienne! Adrienne I am happy you moved all the way across the country... even if you thought it was about the craziest thing you had ever done!

As we were driving in, Amy Hansen, my other teaching friend pulled in with her husband and her darling baby Jaxson! It was so good to see her before I leave tomorrow. Especially since she was out on maternity leave the last 6 weeks of school! Amy was my mentor this year and I can't even begin to tell you how many times I went in to her room just to vent! She was so sweet when I was completely stressed out before starting school. She spent well over an hour just talking about my daily schedule with me and helping me figure it out! We laugh about that now... the time I changed my mind 45 million times and then ended up with a schedule pretty much like Amy's. Amy, thank you for everything!!

I couldn't have asked for three better people to work with every day! Katie, Adrienne, and Amy I will miss you!

1 comment:

amy and josh said...

I have been missing you forever and all you cute ideas and hilarious stories!