
No more pencils, no more books, no more teacher's dirty looks...

tomorrow is the last day of school!

last night was for report card comments and tonight is for stuffing portfolios!

meet my spunky, funny, blatantly honest, crazy, sweet, sometimes naughty, but mostly darling kindergarten friends!

(3 friends are missing...although 22 isn't bad 19 would be amazing)

hooray for sunshine, no 55 minute commute, no grading papers, and no planning!

i know 1st grade will be here before i know it, and i can hardly wait!

i am ever so excited to join the katie and amy duo!

not to mention that the other girls that we hired are the cutest!

pretty much we will be the best team ever!


The Strongs said...

Best Team Ever!

Zac and Katie said...

School is over! I say that we deserve dinner to celebrate. When do you want to meet up? Warning: I am HUGE!

Heather and Ben said...

They are so cute Rebecca! Congrats on being done for the year. Enjoy your time off!

Rebecca said...

I can meet up whenever... I would LOVE to! Let me know what your schedule is... maybe end of the week?

The Moesingers said...

Miss you Becca. Now that you are home for the summer, wanna go for a walk and catch-up? Or a chick-flick movie? Let me know...

amy and josh said...

You know we will be the FREAKIN' best. We are glad to add you to the duo, trios are always great! Thanks for everything you did for planning things for FIRST GRADE!