
Hip, Hip, Hooray!

...the dang books are finished!  Though nothing academic was accomplished today, we have 26 books ready to go.  (well almost 4 still need to be finished up tomorrow).  I have 1 1/2 more days until we track off!  Hooray!

In other news, my back is feeling much better today....not 100%, but better than yesterday.  Hooray!

Grey's Anatomy...oh how I love it!  Kate and I sat around reading quotes today.  We couldn't stop laughing.  In this moment I am on my bed...me with my laptop and Kate with her's ... watching Grey's Season 1.... Hooray!

And last but not least...another hooray: I purchased an ice cream cake from Baskin Robbins.  I LOVE  the frosting part...I would!  

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